Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Stella Victoria Rand
Well it has been forever since I have blogged about anything! I have been a little busy with pregnancy, which was very hard this time. In September I was put on a 3 week bed rest due to baby wanting to come too early. I was due November 1st so that put it way to early. I was then released from bed rest. I did allot of walking around. Went to the fabulous Art in the Park here in Artesia and walked forever. I would of thought I would of had her then. No! That was on October 17th. The weekend came, no baby. Monday at 2 am thought it was time. False alarm!! :( So Monday went to several shops but felt really bad. Monday at 7 pm decided it was time. And it was!!!! OMG!!!! Thought I was gonna die. Got to hospital, took them over an hour to get the pain meds!!!! But finally I did and it was all much better from then on!!! Stella arrived on October 20th at 1:03 am!!!! Her name was decided if she was born on an even name her name would be Stella, odd day Emma. Well, it came very close to Emma as you can see!! I was rooting for Stella!! Yeah. Stella is an old name from the family.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Mystry has been difined!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I don't Like Leg Troubles

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Too thin, fat or just right?

This picture just taken a couple of days ago.