Okay, I need some advice or input or whatever. Roany is the subject of this post again. What do you honestly think of his weight? I think he is a little thin. His hip bones sorta sticks out and I can feel ribs but not see them. The tail bone is a little high. He does have bad teeth and we get them worked on about once a year. He is a very high energy horse. I feed him about 3 small chips of alfalfa at night along with a big coffee can of Opti-Bran with about 2 to 3 ounces of fat supplement added. I did that fat supplement due to dry hooves and skin but it also should help with weight I would think. Now we have a large round bale of coastal grass that they can free feed on. So he weights about 1033 lbs. That was what we got when we went to the vet last. So....I dont know, what do you think? He looks good but those hip bones are kinda pointy. Roany has always been a hard horse to keep fed. Well I was just wondering what other voices thought. I worry to much. I think in the last post my might of posted about something else that was wrong with him. The top picture was just at the end of winter. 

This picture just taken a couple of days ago.