Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Santa Fe Trails, a Table and a Future Prospect.

Well we headed to Santa Fe for the weekend for our 5th year anniversary. We have been going there for the past 3 years and love it. We stay at a fabulous Bed and Breakfast called Inn on the Paseo. It is walking distance from the Plaza. That is so much fun to go walk all the neat shops that I cant afford and buy something from the Indians that I can try to afford. I got some awesome turquoise earrings. We ate at a great Tapas bar with live music, El Farol. Sorry, didn't take pictures of that. I really didn't take a whole lot and the whole time I kept saying I need to take more pictures. 

They say this is one of the oldest establishments. This is a mission. They were having services on Sunday in it, amazing huh? You could say all the buildings here or the homes were adobe and had a turquoise, green or purple door and trim. I have decided to paint my door a pale turquoise color. We will see.
Okay, so while we were there I had a future horse prospect to look at. Sunday before we headed home we stopped by to look at Stormy a standerdbred cross gelding that was 12 years old and used as a lesson horse and for trail. She told me an 8 year old rode him all last year. I thought great, that should be a pretty good horse for our family. Well we got him ready, cleaned out his feet but he tried to kick me as I picked up the back feet, so he has issues with his hind feet. She said he has no other vices really other than not standing still while mounting. Those two things are my pet peeves!! He has no BUCK. (yeah) Well, I let her ride him in the arena first so I could see how he moved and acted. Another horse came down the rode and he would not listen to her. hmmmmmm..... and here is the big one she was trying to get him to trot and lope and he just wouldn't do it and finally got up to a lope but as soon as he did he flat out BUCKED her. She almost came off of him. Well she gets off and yanks and jerks on him for a second and that was it. I mean come one!!! I was thinking to myself no way and you should of made that horse do what you wanted it to do. (Spoiled) I said no, and she said he was going to get a hard work out on the lounge line. We passed by about 5 minutes and he was put up in his pen!! hahaha yeah, he got what he wanted. Its to bad cause he looks like a sweet horse.

Okay so I took this picture here for Sarah at Cottage Garden Studio here you go Sarah. Kitchen Table picture!! I challenge everyone to take a picture of your kitchen table and post. Really explains allot about yourself. As you can see here my daughter has her favorite animals in her spot. My picture hanging above there was a Christmas present and we looked for it for a long time. I wanted a very big picture of a majestic horse of some sort. This was the one! I love it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Scipture Sunday
I am so sorry I am so late. Went to Santa Fe this weekend, so I will post about that later.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm having a Mental Block!

For the last couple of months I have been in this rut! I am not in the spirit of designing and making jewelry for some reason. When I do go into my craft room, I just sit and stare at what I have and can not come up with anything!! Don't you hate that? Well I did make a couple of pieces the other day and I am happy to say I really like them!!! This one here reminds me of Santa Fe...the colors are really great.
This one I really do like also. I used citrine and I just love citrine with turquoise!!!!
Well I hope I get out of this rut and back into it soon! This is a good start! :) I hope you enjoy.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Chiropractor was a GOOD THING

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Scipture Sunday and a Little Branding
Saturday started off by branding about 4 little calves that needed to be done. After lunch decided to brand my horse and my dads new horse. I was a little worried cause I sure didn't want my horse getting hurt, but I knew my dad would do a good job and take care of him. His horse went first. He acted like he slept through it. Only kicked once and that was it. Okay, my Roany was up next. Oh my, so I decided I would use our family brand Triple bar Z. My grandfather's brand where he ended up giving it to his sons (3) of them, Hunt, Perry and Roby Zumwalt (my dad). I wanted the Zumwalt legacy on him. Well Roany didn't want that. Started off okay but boy it was really hard to finish him up. Poor guy!!!!! He acted like a true wild horse. I don't blame him either I was just thankful we finished and with no injuries!!! :)

So we end today on this note:
KIDS OF ALL AGES dream of being a cowboy. No time clocks to punch, no tests in school, no concrete jungle of high rise buildings, no blaring horns, no traffic jams. JUST A GOOD HORSE AND WIDE-OPEN SPACES.
Just a little poem out of "The Way for Cowboys" NIV bible.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Scipture Sunday

Okay, I really dont have an actual scipture but thought you might like me to share a great movie request. "One Night with the King". First read the book of Esther in the Old Testament. Wont take you very long, the whole book of Esther is very short but a great story. Then watch the movie "One Night with the King". It is about Esther. I thought it was good story and great movie.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Van Gogh's Ear Award!!!

Well I have been given the Van Gogh's ear award and I am very proud. It's Van Gogh!!! I have to say I am not very good at passing this stuff on but I will do my best to participate!! :) Thanks Melissa at Thousand Word Balance .
I would like to pass this on award on to Shirley at Ride a Good Horse. I love all the pics an stories about her palomino Sassy she is starting. What an experiance to go through and in the snow. Cold weather doesnt't upset this girl.
Also to Jennifer at The Mare's Tale. She has hilarious stories of this horse Siggy and she paints awesome! I would like to send a pic of my ponies for her to paint;)
To Heather at Ramblings of the Shy and Insecure. She is truly an inspiration. She has a big job with raising her family and looks to me she is awesome at it. Oh by the way, she is a ranch woman for sure.
Okay that is it for me.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Scipture Sunday
This is a little prayer that my dad always said to me when I was little and now we say it to Gracie!
Dear God thank you for this day for the hours of work and play. For the shining sun above for thy great and tender love. Help us God thy will to do, make us loving, kind and true.
Me and my Dad!
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