Saturday started off by branding about 4 little calves that needed to be done. After lunch decided to brand my horse and my dads new horse. I was a little worried cause I sure didn't want my horse getting hurt, but I knew my dad would do a good job and take care of him. His horse went first. He acted like he slept through it. Only kicked once and that was it. Okay, my Roany was up next. Oh my, so I decided I would use our family brand Triple bar Z. My grandfather's brand where he ended up giving it to his sons (3) of them, Hunt, Perry and Roby Zumwalt (my dad). I wanted the Zumwalt legacy on him. Well Roany didn't want that. Started off okay but boy it was really hard to finish him up. Poor guy!!!!! He acted like a true wild horse. I don't blame him either I was just thankful we finished and with no injuries!!! :)

So we end today on this note:
KIDS OF ALL AGES dream of being a cowboy. No time clocks to punch, no tests in school, no concrete jungle of high rise buildings, no blaring horns, no traffic jams. JUST A GOOD HORSE AND WIDE-OPEN SPACES.
Just a little poem out of "The Way for Cowboys" NIV bible.
I have always been interested in BRANDS and always love to see them on horses. Of coures I am a wooosss and also don't want to see them hurt. What kind of Brand was it, hot or freeze??? I have not seen either right after so I can't tell. My bet is if your DAD did it it was the old fashiond way!!!
By the way, I drive a Ford Expidition KING RANCH! I love it and the KING RANCH Brand. I am always oooing and ahhhhing over their catalouge that I do buy out of from time to time.
Desert Rose, We used a Hot Iron but have always been interested in Freeze. They say Freeze branding is really better for horses. Not as painful and basically the hairs after it heals turns white. I have never branded one of my own but decided to today since I really wanted to keep this horse forever! Gave him the "Z" Legacy! My DAD had to free hand this brand. Hard is all I can say! I was gringing my teeth the whole time. If I were to have my own registerd brand it would have a heart in it somehow. :) Thanks for your post!
Cool brand on Roany!
I like your cowboy kid quote at the end! But can big, 38-yr. old kids dream of it, too? ;)
Interesting brand; I had to really look at it to see why it's called triple bar Z. I plan on branding my stallion this year when I get him sedated to do his teeth.
Shirly, Good idea to brand when you do his teeth. Freeze brand? Hot iron and we will wake up for sure from sedation!!! :) Send a picture when you do it.
That looks really good for a hot brand. After branding a few calves over the past few years I wouldn't want to do it to my horses. It really scares me!
Heather, I had my dad do the brand and I cant even imagine how he had the paitence for it. He wanted it perfect and that is sure hard to do on horse that doesnt want any part of it. We have decided the 3 is a little big at the bottom. Oh well its permenant now!!
It's a really nice looking brand. I don't have a brand...been thinking about it. My mustangs have their BLM freeze brand, but I'd like to brand my Quarter Horses and lots of horses around here have ranch brands that have been either hot or freeze...but it seems most are turning toward the freeze for their horses and hot for cattle.
I can totally appreciate you wanting to carry on your family's tradition...good for you!
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