Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Latest Jewelry Bling!

Here are a few pieces of my work. I love to use natural stones and western conchos which are usually always in my pieces. Swarvoski Crystals are one of my favorite sparkles for a piece.


Heart of a Cowgirl said...

I love the combination of turquoise and purple. Very nice!

backattheranch said...

Thank You! Hey while I have you here can you possibly tell me how to get my slide down at the bottom vs as a post? I'm new at this so I'm learning. Thanks!
I also love the metal work in your earrings.

Heather said...

I love the concho, turquoise and purple piece. I've been considering starting to make these for myself. Not that I have the time or anything!

White Hot Magik said...

I looked at your picasa album I love your necklaces. I have been wanting a big cross necklace. I keep thinking I might try one in clay in a leather look. Maybe we can trade a necklace sometime. Well maybe two of mine for one of yours. ; )

Anonymous said...

Hey there! You do some beautiful work. I was interested in the amber/tourquoise necklace. Can you give me a price on that one.
Best wishes to you and the family.
Ape's mom...

Teresa said...

I love your jewelry, Back at the Ranch and Heart of a Cowgirl have some stiff competition!!!! All in fun of course!!!!